I recently was forwarded this site and found it to be quite interesting. Many of the things stated in this presentation were things I have heard before. In fact, my mother was the one to tell me of such things. The interesting thing is that she died in 1996 and yet she knew many of these groups mentioned here. See, she spent most of the last 10 years of her life studying. She enjoyed studying the bible with a special interest in end time prophecy and she also enjoyed politics.
Her interest in politics had been something she followed most of her adult life but it bloomed from her total gratitude with being an American. She was not born an American, but rather CHOOSE to be an American. She was born in Vienna, Austria when her country was recovering from the perils of WWI. She grew up under the rise of Adolph Hitler and she witnessed his coming into power. She was forced with all children to be members of the Hitler Youth. A group designed to "re-educate" the German children in "correct" ideology. She saw many HORRIFIC things, many I will share at a later date, but let me assure you, she was ready to leave her homeland and make a new start in the great land we call America.
So, now fast forward to this women who saw so many die in her early years at the hands of war and now she had made her life here in the land of the free, because of the brave. To say I grew up patriotic would be an understatement. My mother loved this country and the freedoms that she now had. She taught us to exercise our right to vote and to take our civic duties seriously.
A close relative sent me the clip. They had NO idea of my mother's discussions with me. I began watching and couldn't step away from the screen. It is one of the most intriguing video clips I have watched in quite a while. Many of the details shared in this link were things I had heard, years ago, from my mother. Things she talked about sounded amazing familiar. She would talk of the "money lord's" and the Federal Reserve being a faux front for the rich to become richer. She talked of Bush, Sr. who was a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission and would talk of how he spoke of the "New World Order". Bush Jr. as well was a part of these groups.
See nothing is new. My mother lived through Hitler's assault on the world and she saw her country devastated by his failed world domination campaign. I pray we learn from our history and that the old saying that "history repeats itself" will not happen under my watch. Wake up America. Before it is too late.
InfoWars and then scroll down on this page to view a preview. Click on the video called:
the Obama Deception. You now have to order this on this site to view the whole DVD. When I posted this it was available on YouTube but is now no longer free.*
*As of November 09, 2010 this link is again free. Find it above at "the Obama Deception".