Friday, April 30, 2010

Obama Reveals What "CHANGE" Means

This was quite a disturbing link, Obama's Change.  Here he is, in his own words, spelling out exactly what he is doing.  Why are people just allowing this man to continue in his plan to destroy our nation as we know it?  "The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the literalistic concept of the individual" - Adolf Hitler.  This seems to be exactly what Obama is doing...destroying the people who built this great country.  Michelle Obama wants us to give up a piece of the "pie" yet they live high above most Americans. 

My favorite part of the video is Ronald Reagan's closing statements as he addresses an audience.  He spoke with such certainty and clarity.  "Let us move toward a world in which, all people, where at last, free to determine their own destiny." - Ronald Reagan.