In all my life I would have never thought how dishonest people would become when dealing with the top of our own National identity. I guess it is being young and naive that you believe that all people in America LOVE America and want to keep her free and established as our founders did. In recent years, it has become clear to all of us that there are just as many agendas here in America as there are agendas in the world. Nothing is new. Nothing is surprising. Tyranny is always looking to raise it's head and there will always be a group that is trying to conquer the other.
Yesterday, I saw that Arizona is taking the lead with some of the most advanced legislative action regarding proof of eligibility to hold the highest office in the land, president. Representative Judy Burges has introduced another bill (as her last one fell short last year because of some last minute political maneuvering) that has 16 members of the Senate as co-sponsors. It will only take 16 votes in the Senate to pass. In the House there are 50 co-sponsors with the need for only 31 votes for passage. There are ten other states who are addressing this issue as well (controlling 107 of the electoral college votes). Seems many are interested in fixing a gap in the current interpretation of the demands set by the U.S. Constitution regarding federal election procedures that allowed Barack Obama to be nominated, elected and inaugurated without providing proof of his qualifications for the office of president in the 2008 elections.
New Hampshire has created a simple legislation to address the issue requiring an affidavit from a candidate stating that their qualifications including age, residence and being a "natural born citizen". Georgia has gone quite a bit further with legislation HB37 by Representative Bobby Franklin that not only demands original birth certificate documentation but it also provides a procedure for and declares that citizens have "standing" to challenge the documentation. They go on to state that each political party shall provide each candidate ... original documentation that he meets the qualifications of Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 1 and Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution to serve as president of the USA if elected to such office.
So according to the "liberal" media it is just a "minority" of "right-wing" conspiracy theorist who think that Obama was not eligible under the U.S. Constitution to serve as Commander and Chief. Hmmm - so why are TEN states forming legislation to have candidates PROVE eligibility to serve? Because the liberal media has is WRONG again!