The Manhattan Declaration is a a call of Christian Conscience. Recently Chuck Colson*, Dr. Robert George (a professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University) and Dr. Timothy George (a professor at Beeson Divinity School at Samford University) joined forces to create a declaration of their faith known as the Manhattan Declaration.
This document is signed by 150 leaders from the orthodox church, the Roman Catholic church (including many bishops, arch-bishops and a cardinal) and from leaders of the Evangelical world. All of these signers are agreeing and saying they want to affirm 1) the sanctity of human life and 2) the sanctity of the family and 3) if the leaders of this nation continue to assault the family, life and our liberties we will render unto "Caesar what is Caesar's" but under NO circumstance will we render to "Caesar what is God's!" This is a time for true Christian's to stand up and defend what we believe.
For a great clip on the principals of this document you can hear Chuck Colson in his own words as he talks about it on the Mike Huckabee Show. How prepared are you to pay the price for the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Many are willing to give up their tax exempt status, some have put their careers in jeopardy and a pastor in Sweden gave up his freedom over these basic human principals.
*Who is Chuck Colson?
Founder of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, founder of Prison Fellowship and former presidential aide to President Richard Nixon. He was "incapable of humanitarian thought" according to the media in the 1970's until his conversion to Christianity in August of 1973 when the Boston Globe reported, "If Mr. Colson can repent of his sins, there just has to be hope for everybody." In 1974 Colson entered a plea of guilty of obstruction of justice to Watergate-related charges. Colson was not implicated in the Watergate burglary itself but he would do almost anything for the cause of his party and his president.
He served in Alabama's Maxwell Prison in 1974 and was the first member of the Nixon administration to go to prison for Watergate-related charges. He served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence.
Colson is an author of over 20 books to date including: Born Again, Loving God, Being the Body and How Now Shall We Live? Click on link for other articles on Chuck Colson
What is our duty as an American? Do we have any sense of responsibility for the future of our country or the inheritance that we are going to leave for our children? Will our children enjoy the same freedoms we were so privileged to enjoy because of the selfless giving of those who proceeded us? This is a call to arms...engage yourself to this cause, while we still have freedom to protect!
Psalms 11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Red Skelton - 1969
Red Skelton was a comedian who started as a circus clown, moved to vaudeville, Broadway, films, radio, TV, nightclubs and casinos all while he was pursuing a career as a painter. I remember seeing him on random television shows like the Tonight Show and similar type of formats periodically as a child. He had a television show in the 1960's and it was cancelled in 1970.
He was known for comedic sketches and so, it was no suprise when he made the Pledge of Aligence his monologue as Skelton performed on his 1969 television show. He comments on the meaning of each phrase of the Pledge as was done on the Amos and Andy Show in the 1930's as Amos tells his daughter Arbadella about the Lord's Prayer. Red also did a recitation of the Candian National Anthem.
Here are the words to the Pledge of Alligence as Red's teacher, Mr. Laswell recited it to the class:
He was known for comedic sketches and so, it was no suprise when he made the Pledge of Aligence his monologue as Skelton performed on his 1969 television show. He comments on the meaning of each phrase of the Pledge as was done on the Amos and Andy Show in the 1930's as Amos tells his daughter Arbadella about the Lord's Prayer. Red also did a recitation of the Candian National Anthem.
At the end of his Pledge of Alligence rendition, he added: "Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?" Some say this was Red's way of targeting the political winds that were arguing that the inclusion of "under God" in a pledge recited daily in U.S. public schools violated the First Amendment separation of church and state. Because of Skelton's rendition he suddenly regained popularity among religious conservatives who wanted the phrase to remain.
Here are the words to the Pledge of Alligence as Red's teacher, Mr. Laswell recited it to the class:
I, me, an individual, a committee of one.***~~**~~***
Pledge, dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
Allegiance, my love and my devotion.
To the flag, our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!
United, that means that we have all come together.
States, individual communities that have united into 48 great states. Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.
And to the republic, a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands, one nation, one nation, meaning "so blessed by God" Indivisible incapable of being divided.
With liberty, which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear or some sort of retaliation.
And Justice, the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all, which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance...
UNDER GOD, Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
10 Questions for Obama - TEA Party
I too would like to hear the answers to these questions! The national leadership team of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition announced the results of the nationwide poll conducted recently at the website:
For those of you who bought into the notion that candidate Obama would hold true to his promises, maybe you will reconsider who you cast your valuable vote for in the next election. It is easy for politicians to create promises, but if we, THE PEOPLE would just look at their record, we can find out a lot about the character of a said candidate.
Mr. Obama had a record of being secretive and "present" without giving his vote on many occasions before he came to Washington. Let's WAKE UP AMERICA! The mid-term elections are just a year away and we need some HOPE and CHANGE! Let's NOT forget how this administration has broken promise after campaign promise. They have had their own agenda ever since they entered the White House and they have forgotten WHO sent them to Washington and who they work for - WE THE PEOPLE!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Partial Birth Abortion
I am amazed at how many people, including Christians, who don't know or don't want to know the details that are involved in what doctor's are calling the partial birth abortion procedure. This is a very tasteful demonstration of a doctor showing the process of this procedure using a doll and a curtain set-up. It is very discrete and informative. I post this link because people need to understand how barbaric this procedure is in order to speak against this atrocity. There is NO reason we are conducting such an evil to a living child. We hear all about the rights of the mother, but I want to know why the innocent child in the procedure has no rights. Again, this procedure must be stopped and our current president was the only congressman to vote for the legislation to kill a child who was born alive after a botched abortion. This is just sickening in the least and tragic that we in this culture are allowing this to continue under the guise of a medical procedure.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
GI Joe and Lillie - Oak Ridge Boys
Nothing better than hearing the clear and perfect harmony of the Oak Ridge Boys...but my favorite is the bass. INCREDIBLE! You may want to have a Kleenex ready for this is REALLY good!
Remembering ALL those who have, who are and who will fight for the FREEDOM of the great nation! God Bless America and I am praying for her!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Andrew Klavan on the Culture

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
American Exceptionalism - David Barton
This video linked called American Exceptionalism/American Heritage Series is a three part series on You-Tube that is INCREDIBLE. David Barton is the founder and President of Wallbuilders which just happens to be very near my home and I personally know of David and his teachings.
Bake in the early 1990's my mother first told me about Wallbuilders. As I have mentioned to anyone that knows me, my mother was very into History; American, European and Biblical. She was an immigrant from Vienna, Austria and lived under the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler. She was constantly seeking out information on our history and she always told me that the reason we study our past is to prevent the repeating of bad history in our future.
David Barton published one of his early writings and he failed to check references (he used other people's published works as his sources) and because of this, ONE of his EARLY publications had errors that he sited as fact. He has since RE-PUBLISHED the book in question and replaced it with it, Original Intent. An excellent book that talks about the life and character of our founding father's and our early American history.
In these video clips I have linked you to, David joins the hosts of the Trinity Broadcast Network, Matt and Laurie Crouch as David takes them through our founding father's and the history of our nation.
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 1 of 3
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 2 of 3
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 3 of 3
Bake in the early 1990's my mother first told me about Wallbuilders. As I have mentioned to anyone that knows me, my mother was very into History; American, European and Biblical. She was an immigrant from Vienna, Austria and lived under the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler. She was constantly seeking out information on our history and she always told me that the reason we study our past is to prevent the repeating of bad history in our future.
David Barton published one of his early writings and he failed to check references (he used other people's published works as his sources) and because of this, ONE of his EARLY publications had errors that he sited as fact. He has since RE-PUBLISHED the book in question and replaced it with it, Original Intent. An excellent book that talks about the life and character of our founding father's and our early American history.
In these video clips I have linked you to, David joins the hosts of the Trinity Broadcast Network, Matt and Laurie Crouch as David takes them through our founding father's and the history of our nation.
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 1 of 3
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 2 of 3
Am. Exceptionalism/Am. Heritage Series by David Barton - 3 of 3
Friday, September 25, 2009
Obama Denies Flyover
Obama denied a military flyover at the annual “God and Country” rally in Idaho , where new military recruits were inducted and all military were honored. This is the first time in 42 years that there has not been a military flyover in formation, and organizers were stunned that Obama refused to allow this. Fox news covered this news story about Obama Denying Flyover so I am posting their video for you to see for yourself.
The woman who was organizing the event contacted the Pentagon to ask why this was not allowed, as it had occurred every year for 42 years, she was told it was because of the event’s “Christian nature.”
The video also mentions that when Obama made a recent speech, a cross and a Christian symbol for Jesus had to be covered first.
The woman who was organizing the event contacted the Pentagon to ask why this was not allowed, as it had occurred every year for 42 years, she was told it was because of the event’s “Christian nature.”
The video also mentions that when Obama made a recent speech, a cross and a Christian symbol for Jesus had to be covered first.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Greed - Milton Friedman
This is an old clip but the message is SO good I wanted to share it. Milton Friedman appears here as a guest on the old Phil Donahue show. Millton Friedman died in 2006 as is best known as an American economist, statistician and recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. He is best known among scholars is for this theoretical research focusing mainly on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy.
So many people are critical these days of capitalism and are seeming to press for a society in America that would lean more toward socialism and even some are far as communism. This is a great piece and it should make you re-think some of the rhetoric that is blowing around in our news media and culture today.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
HR 45 - 2nd Ammendment Under Attack
Today I was given more information about the HR45 Bill...this bill, you may remember was circulated on the Internet back in January...well, it has NOT gone away! I have added a link at the bottom of my blog for you to check on the status of this bill.
My mother (who grew up under the shadow of Hitler and in the reality of war) use to tell me that the criminals will ALWAYS have guns. Do you think the criminals are going to just lay down their life of crime to follow these new laws? I don't think so...these laws are for you and me - the law abiding citizens. Criminals will ALWAYS have their ways and means to get what they want. The question is why are we taking away the rights of the people (you and me) in the name of public safety. If only the government and the criminals have the guns, what happens to the people?
If you missed the movie, "Defiance" I suggest you rent it. My mother was alive to see little Jewish girls in her classroom escorted out by the military. She told me that one of the first things to happen during the rise of Hitler's power was the collecting of the people's guns. Why? Because people without guns can't fight!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
David Barton on Huckabee Show
This is a another interesting clip of David Barton, founder and President of Wallbuilders this time being interviewed by Governor Mike Huckebee.
David is always loaded with information and again, he doesn't disappoint in this interview. These cool documents that he shares are real and are a part of David's own private collection. Take the time to get acquainted with our American history. Unfortunately, most of the information he shares you probably didn't learn in your history lessons at school.
David is always loaded with information and again, he doesn't disappoint in this interview. These cool documents that he shares are real and are a part of David's own private collection. Take the time to get acquainted with our American history. Unfortunately, most of the information he shares you probably didn't learn in your history lessons at school.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Is America a Christian Nation?
In light of President Obama's comments lately that America is no longer a "Christian nation", David Barton of Wallbuilders gave an incredible presentation at Charles Stanley's church (Is America A Christian Nation?) most fittingly on July 4th and he addressed this topic. If you haven't heard David speak, I encourage you to take a few minutes and listen to this will enlighten you in the least and hopefully challenge you to be like our founding fathers and engage in our culture, die to selfish desires and fight for freedom!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Is Freedom Free?
The founding fathers restated this phrase over and over...rights and responsibility. What are our unalienable rights and what is our responsibility or our duty? Freedom is NEVER free. There is a price to pay to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. What is this cost? Ultimately some paid this price with their LIFE. We live in the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave.
This blog is dedicated to all those men and women who sacrificially gave. They gave their time, their energy, their money and some ultimately gave their lives for you and enjoy this GIFT of freedom. What are we doing to preserve this ultimate sacrifice? Do we sit idly by and watch others lead and guide our futures or do we take the time and energy to get involved? Do we take the time to write a simple letter, send a quick email, relay a text or make a fast phone call to our ELECTED officials who are their FOR us? Or are we like so many that are too busy to engage our culture and fulfill our sense of duty to both our country and more importantly, to our God? I pray you would engage in the battle that is in front of us now...the battle for our very freedom is under attack. May we be found as selfless as all those who preceded us to make this country GREAT!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Truth or Fiction
Wanted to share this link with you called Truth or Fiction. This is a good source to check out many of the stories we all get via email and we are not quite sure if we can believe them, yet alone forward them on to find out our information was bad or worse yet, wrong. There is the site called "Snopes" that many of you know about, but "Snopes" is staffed by a liberal couple who filter all conclusions toward their very liberal bias. Not a great source for conservatives.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Obama's Disappearing Act

From his birth certificate, kindergarten records, his 1966-67 school year to his student visas, these are just a few of the documents that seem to have a "for official eyes only" stamp on them. Questions about his attending of the top schools during his younger years and receiving some scholarships for his college years, questions are continually haunting as he was from a meager single-mother home and yet he travels the world. As usual, something seems fishy.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
National Registry of Offenders
This is not such a fun topic but a needed resource to keep your children safe. There is a national registry of sex offenders and it is free to the public and available on-line at National Registry.
You can type in a street, city, state or the name of a person and search by state to see if you have predators living near you. This is a valuable tool to keep your family safe when at home or visiting other places. We think because we KNOW the area we are in that we are safe. Well, you may be surprised how many people are registered and they are in every type of neighborhood and community. Be safe.
You can type in a street, city, state or the name of a person and search by state to see if you have predators living near you. This is a valuable tool to keep your family safe when at home or visiting other places. We think because we KNOW the area we are in that we are safe. Well, you may be surprised how many people are registered and they are in every type of neighborhood and community. Be safe.
Monday, June 22, 2009
For The Record
I usually enjoy the posts from this site. They have a great collection of interesting videos regarding many political topics done in an up-beat manner. Most of what he posts I can say that I totally agree with him. It is his attempt to get the word out on some very hot topics from a Christian perspective. He is NOT posting to make you feel good. He is making a statement. Listen at your own risk. For The Record
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Bush, McCain Warning Dems
The Bush Administration warned in April of 2001, in 2003, the fall of '03 to list a few and Senator McCain repeatedly warned Democrats of the financial and housing crisis meltdown regarding Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac that was looming. This was long before what has thus became the 2008 financial crisis. Warnings go back even earlier too, back to the Clinton and Carter White Houses.
Too many people in Congress, like Barney Frank (D) of Massachusetts, thought people who were concerned were hyping it up and bloating the issue. Well, now we know that Barney was wrong, again!
Too many people in Congress, like Barney Frank (D) of Massachusetts, thought people who were concerned were hyping it up and bloating the issue. Well, now we know that Barney was wrong, again!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dennis Prager on the Environment
This is an incredible clip from a caller who is all whipped up and verbally attacks Dennis Prager, a conservative radio talk show host on the topic of the environment. He very calmly listens to this caller who is quite personal in his confrontation of Dennis but Dennis has a fabulous response to this caller. A great deal can be learned from this conversation. There are many scare tactics used still to cause people to get on board with their movement or cause. Great incite given in his reply.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
David Barton on Drive Thru History
In this clip David Barton addresses the difference between biographical history curriculum like Drive-Thru History and what is currently being taught in schools today. In recent years history has been taught as a series of events, chronologies, places and times and has become quite boring to the reader. When history is taught biographically interest is peaked as you learn about the person, their character and their accomplishments or faults. If you have never used the Drive-Thru History curriculum, I highly recommend it. You and your children will love it!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Homeland Securty - Terrorists
This is an interesting link that directly is quoted from Texas. The Department of Homeland Security says "who" are terrorists. This is scary.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Obama Budget Cuts - Visualization
I think this guy is onto something. If you have a problem with BIG numbers (which most of us do) this should help you understand just how much money is being discussed in the Obama Budget Cuts.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
David Barton of Wallbuilders
David Barton is the president and founder of Wallbuilders in Aledo, Texas. I personally know David and am continually amazed by his knowledge and understanding of our founding father's and the formation of our nation by many Christian men.
Wallbuilder's is a great site to find links to inspirational documents written by our founders, letters and sermon's also by many famous names from our American history.
David has the largest private collection of founding documents, letters and bibles in the U.S.
Wallbuilder's is a great site to find links to inspirational documents written by our founders, letters and sermon's also by many famous names from our American history.
David has the largest private collection of founding documents, letters and bibles in the U.S.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Obama Deception
I recently was forwarded this site and found it to be quite interesting. Many of the things stated in this presentation were things I have heard before. In fact, my mother was the one to tell me of such things. The interesting thing is that she died in 1996 and yet she knew many of these groups mentioned here. See, she spent most of the last 10 years of her life studying. She enjoyed studying the bible with a special interest in end time prophecy and she also enjoyed politics.
Her interest in politics had been something she followed most of her adult life but it bloomed from her total gratitude with being an American. She was not born an American, but rather CHOOSE to be an American. She was born in Vienna, Austria when her country was recovering from the perils of WWI. She grew up under the rise of Adolph Hitler and she witnessed his coming into power. She was forced with all children to be members of the Hitler Youth. A group designed to "re-educate" the German children in "correct" ideology. She saw many HORRIFIC things, many I will share at a later date, but let me assure you, she was ready to leave her homeland and make a new start in the great land we call America.
So, now fast forward to this women who saw so many die in her early years at the hands of war and now she had made her life here in the land of the free, because of the brave. To say I grew up patriotic would be an understatement. My mother loved this country and the freedoms that she now had. She taught us to exercise our right to vote and to take our civic duties seriously.
A close relative sent me the clip. They had NO idea of my mother's discussions with me. I began watching and couldn't step away from the screen. It is one of the most intriguing video clips I have watched in quite a while. Many of the details shared in this link were things I had heard, years ago, from my mother. Things she talked about sounded amazing familiar. She would talk of the "money lord's" and the Federal Reserve being a faux front for the rich to become richer. She talked of Bush, Sr. who was a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission and would talk of how he spoke of the "New World Order". Bush Jr. as well was a part of these groups.
See nothing is new. My mother lived through Hitler's assault on the world and she saw her country devastated by his failed world domination campaign. I pray we learn from our history and that the old saying that "history repeats itself" will not happen under my watch. Wake up America. Before it is too late.
THIS LINK IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FREE on YouTube. You can go to InfoWars and then scroll down on this page to view a preview. Click on the video called: the Obama Deception. You now have to order this on this site to view the whole DVD. When I posted this it was available on YouTube but is now no longer free.*
*As of November 09, 2010 this link is again free. Find it above at "the Obama Deception".
Her interest in politics had been something she followed most of her adult life but it bloomed from her total gratitude with being an American. She was not born an American, but rather CHOOSE to be an American. She was born in Vienna, Austria when her country was recovering from the perils of WWI. She grew up under the rise of Adolph Hitler and she witnessed his coming into power. She was forced with all children to be members of the Hitler Youth. A group designed to "re-educate" the German children in "correct" ideology. She saw many HORRIFIC things, many I will share at a later date, but let me assure you, she was ready to leave her homeland and make a new start in the great land we call America.
So, now fast forward to this women who saw so many die in her early years at the hands of war and now she had made her life here in the land of the free, because of the brave. To say I grew up patriotic would be an understatement. My mother loved this country and the freedoms that she now had. She taught us to exercise our right to vote and to take our civic duties seriously.
A close relative sent me the clip. They had NO idea of my mother's discussions with me. I began watching and couldn't step away from the screen. It is one of the most intriguing video clips I have watched in quite a while. Many of the details shared in this link were things I had heard, years ago, from my mother. Things she talked about sounded amazing familiar. She would talk of the "money lord's" and the Federal Reserve being a faux front for the rich to become richer. She talked of Bush, Sr. who was a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission and would talk of how he spoke of the "New World Order". Bush Jr. as well was a part of these groups.
See nothing is new. My mother lived through Hitler's assault on the world and she saw her country devastated by his failed world domination campaign. I pray we learn from our history and that the old saying that "history repeats itself" will not happen under my watch. Wake up America. Before it is too late.
THIS LINK IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FREE on YouTube. You can go to InfoWars and then scroll down on this page to view a preview. Click on the video called: the Obama Deception. You now have to order this on this site to view the whole DVD. When I posted this it was available on YouTube but is now no longer free.*
*As of November 09, 2010 this link is again free. Find it above at "the Obama Deception".
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