This is an informative compilation of clips totally 11 reasons why I will NOT be voting democratic. I have a bit more than just a mere "11 reasons", but I thought this was a good place to start to inform the masses to REMEMBER the craziness that has gone on these past months.
It is amazing to me that these people have even been elected but the sad thing is that MANY of them have be elected for years. This is what arrogance looks like. They have forgotten who they work for...WE THE PEOPLE!
What is our duty as an American? Do we have any sense of responsibility for the future of our country or the inheritance that we are going to leave for our children? Will our children enjoy the same freedoms we were so privileged to enjoy because of the selfless giving of those who proceeded us? This is a call to arms...engage yourself to this cause, while we still have freedom to protect!
Psalms 11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
H1N1 Scandal
Information has surfaced about some of the top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding H1N1. These scientists held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines so they stood to make a lot of money if people needed the vaccines. So when H1N1 became a global pandemic (under their council) to the WHO they stood to gain great deal of wealth.
The report was published in the British Medical Journal exposing the billions of dollars in profits for the vaccine manufacturers. I have found several links to the discussion of this scandal and rather than re-writing all they have said, I am just giving you the links.
N1H1 - Kevin Trudeau Show
N1H1 - The Dr. Coldwell Report
N1H1 - We Must Know
N1H1 - Natural News
I want to focus on the fear that people are falling into because they are trusting in "officials". God has given us a brain and the Holy Spirit to discern and people are just checking their "gut" at the door because "someone" who is "educated" is saying they need this or that. Your grandparents would be ashamed! We need to WAKE UP AMERICA and start taking responsibility for the decisions that will effect our lives. We have to do the leg-work and find out the truth and not just swallow every pill. This requires work on our part and as a rule our culture has become lazy. Well, then we will get what we deserve.
Big business is EVERYWHERE and people of all walks of life are in the business of making money. It's always about the money, a close friend always says. If there is money to be made, we need to think twice about "whose" interests are being protected. You are your only advocate. All the "services" we pay for are weighted toward the seller. They have a bottom-line and they are in business to make money. It is only natural that the seller has to be concerned with his "profit". The danger comes when he is MORE concerned for himself than for your benefit. "Buyer Beware" has a new meaning today as we are not just talking about goods but we are talking about your health and well being!
On the topic of vaccinations, I happened across some more information that is food for thought before you decide to take you or your children in for a routine vaccinations. We have got to start asking the hard questions of our doctors and the medical profession.
Over the last 20-30 years we are vaccinating more and more and giving booster shots on almost everything now because we are told that they will prevent harm, sickness and disease. There may be some truth in that. Some diseases are just not worth getting but what is the harm that comes from the vaccination itself? Maybe we need to count the cost.
Many of the vaccinations given today are diseases our parents and grandparents had and they were not fatal as a rule. In fact, I had some of these diseases too as a child and I have been told the science says this is the desired effect, for my body to fight it off. There is concern that these vaccines and the additives placed in the vaccines are messing up our human auto-immune systems and thus causing more damage than good. Isn't that in the Hippocratic Oath? To "first, do no harm"!
With the jury still out on the reason for the increase of diabetes and other auto-immune ailments shouldn't we be a bit concerned? We all want a silver bullet but we have to realize that in everything we do, there is a price to pay. I am NOT saying all vaccines are bad, I am just saying we are vaccinating more and more because schools get paid when children are in class. Parents get paid when they are at work. Money is lost when children are sick and miss school so once again, we see the almighty dollar directing our decisions and how can this be the BEST choice?
Again, EVERY business is about saving money and cutting costs. Please be informed and read as much as you can about the truth regarding the "bottom line". There are cover-ups everywhere and most people just find it easier to follow the pied-piper...until it's too late. WAKE UP AMERICA. Get off the couch and get involved.
The report was published in the British Medical Journal exposing the billions of dollars in profits for the vaccine manufacturers. I have found several links to the discussion of this scandal and rather than re-writing all they have said, I am just giving you the links.
N1H1 - Kevin Trudeau Show
N1H1 - The Dr. Coldwell Report
N1H1 - We Must Know
N1H1 - Natural News
I want to focus on the fear that people are falling into because they are trusting in "officials". God has given us a brain and the Holy Spirit to discern and people are just checking their "gut" at the door because "someone" who is "educated" is saying they need this or that. Your grandparents would be ashamed! We need to WAKE UP AMERICA and start taking responsibility for the decisions that will effect our lives. We have to do the leg-work and find out the truth and not just swallow every pill. This requires work on our part and as a rule our culture has become lazy. Well, then we will get what we deserve.
Big business is EVERYWHERE and people of all walks of life are in the business of making money. It's always about the money, a close friend always says. If there is money to be made, we need to think twice about "whose" interests are being protected. You are your only advocate. All the "services" we pay for are weighted toward the seller. They have a bottom-line and they are in business to make money. It is only natural that the seller has to be concerned with his "profit". The danger comes when he is MORE concerned for himself than for your benefit. "Buyer Beware" has a new meaning today as we are not just talking about goods but we are talking about your health and well being!
On the topic of vaccinations, I happened across some more information that is food for thought before you decide to take you or your children in for a routine vaccinations. We have got to start asking the hard questions of our doctors and the medical profession.
Over the last 20-30 years we are vaccinating more and more and giving booster shots on almost everything now because we are told that they will prevent harm, sickness and disease. There may be some truth in that. Some diseases are just not worth getting but what is the harm that comes from the vaccination itself? Maybe we need to count the cost.
Many of the vaccinations given today are diseases our parents and grandparents had and they were not fatal as a rule. In fact, I had some of these diseases too as a child and I have been told the science says this is the desired effect, for my body to fight it off. There is concern that these vaccines and the additives placed in the vaccines are messing up our human auto-immune systems and thus causing more damage than good. Isn't that in the Hippocratic Oath? To "first, do no harm"!
With the jury still out on the reason for the increase of diabetes and other auto-immune ailments shouldn't we be a bit concerned? We all want a silver bullet but we have to realize that in everything we do, there is a price to pay. I am NOT saying all vaccines are bad, I am just saying we are vaccinating more and more because schools get paid when children are in class. Parents get paid when they are at work. Money is lost when children are sick and miss school so once again, we see the almighty dollar directing our decisions and how can this be the BEST choice?
Again, EVERY business is about saving money and cutting costs. Please be informed and read as much as you can about the truth regarding the "bottom line". There are cover-ups everywhere and most people just find it easier to follow the pied-piper...until it's too late. WAKE UP AMERICA. Get off the couch and get involved.
Supreme Court - Gun Control
Today was a historic day, then again, everyday is becoming historic as our country is in a continual fight for it's very life.
The Supreme Court voted today 5-4 in regard to Chicago's 28 year ban on handguns. This is a significant victory for those who uphold our Second Amendment right but with this victory is a great concern as well because four of justices against it.
The Justices voted to overturn a 7th Circuit decision upholding gun bans in Chicago and it's suburb, Oak Park. The 5 justices agreed the Second Amendment applies to state and local governments, as well as to federal territory.
This is the second time that the court has given a win to gun rights advocates. The first time was in 2008's District of Columbia v. Heller, where the court held that DC's gun ban was illegal because the Second Amendment protects individual rights to keep and bear arms. This '08 decision was the first time in history that the court directly addressed the individuals rights to bear arms but the '08 decision did not go beyond federal territories so the Chicago ban survived that decision...until now.
Some are saying that today's decision today will open doors to new cases. This is of significance because President Obama has made his selection for the replacement of Justice John Paul Stevens (nominated by Gerald Ford) and is retiring tomorrow, June 29th by picking Elena Kagan. Stevens who at the time of his retirement is the oldest member of the Court and the third-longest serving justin in the Court's history is widely considered to be on the liberal side of the court and voted with the minority on this ruling today by calling the ruling "destructive".
Elana Kagan began her confirmation process today and will most likely fill the vacated liberal side of the court with another in kind. She is scary as a nominee to me as she calls Aharon Barak, a foreign judge her "Judicial hero". Who is Aharon Barak you ask? He is an activist Israeli Supreme court just who is a radical advocate for an agenda-driven judiciary. Judge Araron Barak believes that for a democracy to work an unelected judge should have the final say in ALL matters of government.
Elana Kagan is not the best appointment for the court in my mind and I pray there is way to stop her confirmation vote by the Senate until after the November elections. With God, all things are possible and I am praying for any delays in the matter.
Some would think that as a Jew himself, Araron Barak who suffered under the atrocities of Hitler, would be more sympathetic to freedom like that of the US Constitution but one of the most liberal Justices currently on the Supreme Court is also Jewish, Justice Ruth Ginsburg who leans toward the liberal agenda on the Court and was appointed by President Bill Clinton, another liberal.
A side note about other news today was that Justice Ginsburg's husband Martin Ginsburg, a prominent tax lawyer and professor, passed away today at the age of 78. May he rest in peace.
The Supreme Court voted today 5-4 in regard to Chicago's 28 year ban on handguns. This is a significant victory for those who uphold our Second Amendment right but with this victory is a great concern as well because four of justices against it.
The Justices voted to overturn a 7th Circuit decision upholding gun bans in Chicago and it's suburb, Oak Park. The 5 justices agreed the Second Amendment applies to state and local governments, as well as to federal territory.
This is the second time that the court has given a win to gun rights advocates. The first time was in 2008's District of Columbia v. Heller, where the court held that DC's gun ban was illegal because the Second Amendment protects individual rights to keep and bear arms. This '08 decision was the first time in history that the court directly addressed the individuals rights to bear arms but the '08 decision did not go beyond federal territories so the Chicago ban survived that decision...until now.
Some are saying that today's decision today will open doors to new cases. This is of significance because President Obama has made his selection for the replacement of Justice John Paul Stevens (nominated by Gerald Ford) and is retiring tomorrow, June 29th by picking Elena Kagan. Stevens who at the time of his retirement is the oldest member of the Court and the third-longest serving justin in the Court's history is widely considered to be on the liberal side of the court and voted with the minority on this ruling today by calling the ruling "destructive".
Elana Kagan began her confirmation process today and will most likely fill the vacated liberal side of the court with another in kind. She is scary as a nominee to me as she calls Aharon Barak, a foreign judge her "Judicial hero". Who is Aharon Barak you ask? He is an activist Israeli Supreme court just who is a radical advocate for an agenda-driven judiciary. Judge Araron Barak believes that for a democracy to work an unelected judge should have the final say in ALL matters of government.
Elana Kagan is not the best appointment for the court in my mind and I pray there is way to stop her confirmation vote by the Senate until after the November elections. With God, all things are possible and I am praying for any delays in the matter.
Some would think that as a Jew himself, Araron Barak who suffered under the atrocities of Hitler, would be more sympathetic to freedom like that of the US Constitution but one of the most liberal Justices currently on the Supreme Court is also Jewish, Justice Ruth Ginsburg who leans toward the liberal agenda on the Court and was appointed by President Bill Clinton, another liberal.
A side note about other news today was that Justice Ginsburg's husband Martin Ginsburg, a prominent tax lawyer and professor, passed away today at the age of 78. May he rest in peace.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Conservative vs. Liberal
I received this as an email and thought it was worth sharing. There are really TRUE statements below. Just remember these the next time you find yourself talking to someone who is left or wanting to talk back to your television set at the left-wing news reporter!
If you've wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants meat products banned.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he tries to better his situation.
A liberal wants to know who is going to fix his situation for him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
A liberals wants those they don't like to be silenced.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
If a liberal is a non-believer he wants any mention of religion silenced.
If a conservative needs health care he shops for it, or looks for a job that will provide it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us provide for it for him.
A conservative will read this and will forward it, so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will read this and delete it, because he's offended.
Well, I forwarded it to you people, so you know where I sit.
If you've wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants meat products banned.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he tries to better his situation.
A liberal wants to know who is going to fix his situation for him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
A liberals wants those they don't like to be silenced.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
If a liberal is a non-believer he wants any mention of religion silenced.
If a conservative needs health care he shops for it, or looks for a job that will provide it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us provide for it for him.
A conservative will read this and will forward it, so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will read this and delete it, because he's offended.
Well, I forwarded it to you people, so you know where I sit.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
FCC Moves to Regulate
On June 17, 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 to take the first steps toward regulating the Internet. This is troubling as this decision from the FCC comes only 2 months after a federal court ruled rather strongly that the agency has no authority to take this next step.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in April that the Communications Act only allows the FCC to regulate "telecommunications". The agency early has concluded that broadband Internet is NOT "telecommunications" so the court decided that the FCC could not regulate broadband.
You would think this would be the end of the discussion but FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski purposes to get around this problem by re-defining broadband as a "telecommunication service". Years have been put into the classification of broadband and now the Commission and at least 3 of the 5 members want to regulate broadband.
This is not just a simply issue of classifications, if the changes go through, it would allow the Commission to impose "net-neutrality" rules, which would put limits on how owners of broadband networks can manage their business on the net. This could be terrible as according to one study done, the cost of neutrality rules could cost the economy up to 500,000 jobs and $80 billion dollars.
So now the FCC has launched a formal inquire into re-classifying broadband and it is not clear when this will be finalized. As you can image, opposition to this change has been great not just from the industry businesses to be regulated but by congress, including both sides of the isle. Approximately 290 members have expressed concerns about this proposal not just from an economic standpoint but from their vantage point as lawmakers. If this decision were to be finalized, it is certain to face fierce battles in the courts. Of course, this all could take years and until then, we all live with this looming.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in April that the Communications Act only allows the FCC to regulate "telecommunications". The agency early has concluded that broadband Internet is NOT "telecommunications" so the court decided that the FCC could not regulate broadband.
You would think this would be the end of the discussion but FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski purposes to get around this problem by re-defining broadband as a "telecommunication service". Years have been put into the classification of broadband and now the Commission and at least 3 of the 5 members want to regulate broadband.
This is not just a simply issue of classifications, if the changes go through, it would allow the Commission to impose "net-neutrality" rules, which would put limits on how owners of broadband networks can manage their business on the net. This could be terrible as according to one study done, the cost of neutrality rules could cost the economy up to 500,000 jobs and $80 billion dollars.
So now the FCC has launched a formal inquire into re-classifying broadband and it is not clear when this will be finalized. As you can image, opposition to this change has been great not just from the industry businesses to be regulated but by congress, including both sides of the isle. Approximately 290 members have expressed concerns about this proposal not just from an economic standpoint but from their vantage point as lawmakers. If this decision were to be finalized, it is certain to face fierce battles in the courts. Of course, this all could take years and until then, we all live with this looming.
Friday, June 18, 2010
MY Country

My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Civil War. My grandfather & father watched as their friends died in WW II and Korea . And we all watched as our friends died in Vietnam . None of them died for the Mexican Flag. Everyone died for the U.S. flag.
Just last month (May), here in Texas, permission was given to hang a Mexican flag prominently in the school hallway during the Cinco de Mayo celebrations. Here is the photo of the huge flag that was raised without an American flag above it. Another student (Nick Morris) was offended by the flag hanging at Klein Collins High School. His mother called the school to complain and the school wouldn't return her call so Nick took it down. Three men from the school including the Assistant Principal, Mr. Shelly Dick came to Nick's classroom, escorted him out of class, questioned him about the whereabouts of the flag (which Nick had thrown in the trash) and then proceeded to suspend him for 3 days. This suspension then added a week to his school schedule for him to complete his final exams.
This school did not fly the Texas Flag on Texas Independence day yet they flew the Mexican Flag on Cinco De Mayo HIGHER than the American flag. If this outrages you, please feel free to call the school at (832) 484-5500. The superintendent's' name is Mr. Jim Cain.
This is light of the Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill California were sent home for wearing the American Flag on their T-shirts to school because it offended the Hispanic students there, again during the Cinco de Mayo festivities.
Enough is enough. The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American; and every American needs to stand up for America . We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough. I'm taking a stand. I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. flag can't stand up. If you agree, stand up with me. If you disagree, please let me know. I will gladly remove you from my e-mail list. And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.
A Map of MY Country

1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live by OUR rules!
5. Pay YOUR taxes! and
6. Learn the language like immigrants have in the past!
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime saving of Social Security Funds to you.
If you don't want to forward this (or post it to your blog!) then YOU are part of the problem! When will Americans stop giving away their rights? We have gone so far the other way, bent over backwards not to offend anyone, but it seems no one cares about the American Citizen that's being offended!
WAKE UP America!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ronald Reagan
So as I was pursing the Internet (which I seem to do more and more these days looking for truth on regarding our government and country) I happened upon this JEWEL of a site.
Here they had posted some of the famous speeches of President Ronald Reagan. Incredible treasures that I just had to share. He was an amazing President who I voted for then and still like today.
He had a praying mother, Nelle Wilson Reagan and came from simple beginnings. I have often noted that he rose to his destiny when all of his childhood family had moved on. Think about it, he was 70 years old when he was elected for his first term. My father died at 68 and my mother at 70 and here was Reagan stepping into his greatest years. I believe his destiny was the result of his praying mother. Reagan stated of his mother, "I know that she planted that faith very deeply in me."
When asked about Nelle's influence with the church community one person responded that, "Many of us believed Nelle Reagan had the gift to heal," and fellow churchgoer Mildred Neer recalled Reagan's strong passion for prayer:
For more information about President Ronald Reagan you can visit his Presidential Llibrary site.
Here they had posted some of the famous speeches of President Ronald Reagan. Incredible treasures that I just had to share. He was an amazing President who I voted for then and still like today.
He had a praying mother, Nelle Wilson Reagan and came from simple beginnings. I have often noted that he rose to his destiny when all of his childhood family had moved on. Think about it, he was 70 years old when he was elected for his first term. My father died at 68 and my mother at 70 and here was Reagan stepping into his greatest years. I believe his destiny was the result of his praying mother. Reagan stated of his mother, "I know that she planted that faith very deeply in me."
When asked about Nelle's influence with the church community one person responded that, "Many of us believed Nelle Reagan had the gift to heal," and fellow churchgoer Mildred Neer recalled Reagan's strong passion for prayer:
“ When our little daughter was about four years old, she developed what seemed to be tonsillitis... My husband said to me, 'Why don't you go to church? It will do you good.' [The pastor] spoke on how we as Christians should accept death... When the service was dismissed, everybody had left except for Mrs. Reagan who was on the platform gathering up the music that the choir members had left. I thought, 'If only I could talk to Mrs. Reagan,' and went up to her. She said, 'Let's get down on our knees and pray about it.' She made a wonderful prayer, [and] Mrs. Reagan spent the whole afternoon in prayer with us... She left about six o'clock. Moments later, the abscess [on our daughter's neck] burst. God had heard Nelle Reagan's prayer and answered it."What a legacy SHE was and so it is not surprising that her son would be allowed such greatness.
01) The Evil Empire - Ronald ReaganThis link is: Ronald Reagan in his own words - from Movies to Speeches.
02) Tear Down This Wall - Ronald Reagan
03) Farewell Mr. Reagan - Ronald Reagan
04) The Liberal Agenda - Ronald Reagan
05) Socialized Medicine in 1961 - Ronald Reagan
06) Inaugural Speech in 1981- Ronald Reagan
For more information about President Ronald Reagan you can visit his Presidential Llibrary site.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Flag Day!
It's Flag Day!
So why is our flag Red, White, and Blue? The original members of the Continental Congress believed that, red stood for hardiness and courage, white for purity and innocence, and blue for vigilance and justice. The red and white and starry blue is freedom's shield and hope said John Philip Sousa.
So why is our flag Red, White, and Blue? The original members of the Continental Congress believed that, red stood for hardiness and courage, white for purity and innocence, and blue for vigilance and justice. The red and white and starry blue is freedom's shield and hope said John Philip Sousa.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Michelle Bachmann Says....

Friday, June 11, 2010
Mosques at Ground Zero

I had to add this other link as well, Molotov Mitchell - Barry! Put the crazy on hold!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
"Your Electric Bills Will Skyrocket." - Obama
I found a link on facebook about the Cap and Trade bill but wanted to share the link on You-Tube regarding the comments made my President Obama. The documentation below is from the facebook page as it was so full of information that it was just easier to share the info than to re-write the entire column.
On June 10, 2010 (that's tomorrow folks) the Senate will vote on Senate Joint Resolution 26, to prevent the EPA from implementing its 'tailoring' rule. That rule would effectively allow the EPA to impose a cap and trade regime through regulation - one which Congress has been unwilling to implement via legislation. Under this cap-and-trade style regime, millions of American businesses - and other entities - would be required to obtain licenses for carbon emissions. This would dramatically increase energy prices, and force higher costs for everything Americans buy.
Climate change alarmists have been unable to convince a majority in Congress to support cap and trade. Don't let them use new regulations to do an end-run around Capitol Hill. Don't let them chill business investment, destroy jobs, and increase the cost of living for all Americans.
Here is what you can do today, tomorrow, Wednesday and all the way up to the vote on Thursday:
1. Go to and use this new and easy technology that will actually dial the phone number to your specific Senator. It is easy and all you have to do is call. Talking points are also available for you.
2. If you are not able to call, you can use this new and easy technology to write a short email. You can use the sample email or you can write your own. Whatever you do - do not be confused with this point.
We say No to Cap and Trade
YES to SJRes 26 when it comes before the Senate for a vote this Thursday.
By Sam Samford
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Elections Today are Setting the Mood for November
There are 11 states with elections today and the anti-incumbent mood in the US is on the move. I think the mood is more of an anti-incumbent vote ONLY if that incumbent has been on board with the Obama agenda. When will America wake up to the simple bible truth that says, "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Mat 6:32 - 33.
See, if we seek GOD's way, His agenda, His Word...doing things the way He has directed in the Word, then all the things, the economy, the issues that relate to our nation will just follow along like ducks-in-a-row. It is simple; please the Lord with your vote for Godly people who live Godly lives and vote for Godly things and all the other things will just fix themselves. Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.
So today Senator Blancehe Lincoln, a moderate Democrat is fighting for her political life in Arkansas. This is for her third term. Another "big fish" in the hot soup is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. I am praying people vote them out along with all the other moderates and liberals who are giving our nation over to socialistic thinking's.
See, if we seek GOD's way, His agenda, His Word...doing things the way He has directed in the Word, then all the things, the economy, the issues that relate to our nation will just follow along like ducks-in-a-row. It is simple; please the Lord with your vote for Godly people who live Godly lives and vote for Godly things and all the other things will just fix themselves. Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.
So today Senator Blancehe Lincoln, a moderate Democrat is fighting for her political life in Arkansas. This is for her third term. Another "big fish" in the hot soup is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. I am praying people vote them out along with all the other moderates and liberals who are giving our nation over to socialistic thinking's.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Dennis Prager Q&A

Monday, June 7, 2010
Case Closed - Airport Security
I received this email and really liked the concept. Now, we just need a few great minds to come up with the "box". Read on:
This is so simple that it's brilliant. Here's a solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports. Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you.
It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling, and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial. Justice would be quick and swift. Case Closed!
I can see it now: you're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available on flight number 397 to Atlanta".
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Star-Spangled Banner in Triumph Shall Wave!
Herman Cain was leading a Question and Answer session at the Douglas County Tea Party meeting on June 4, 2010 when a young woman asked him about the attack by the Left on our Judeo-Christian heritage in America. In the clip, you will see Herman answering her question then he goes on to the last question of the night. A man stands up and addressed some discussion that was the topic earlier in their meeting. The crowd could not have expected what would happen and then they all stood to their feet to hear the second verse of the Star Spangled Banner. Bet many didn't know there was a second verse and I bet even fewer would know it. In my opinion I think we all should start singing it as part of our nation's song.
Here are the words from the fourth verse of the Star Spangled Banner which you will hear being sung:
Here is the whole poem - the Star Spangled Banner:Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Barack Obama and $10 Million in Abortion Funding

Friday, June 4, 2010
the "Word" according to Nancy Pelosi
WOW - this was really hard to listen to. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was commenting on a question about what was her favorite word. She said, her favorite word, was "the Word". "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us", she said. He favorite word is "the Word", this is coming from a woman who said that she must pursue public policies "in keeping with the values" of Jesus Christ. WHAT?
Pelosi, who is a Catholic strongly favors legalized abortion and voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion that was enacted into law in 2003. Now according to my devoted Catholic friends, just because someone says they are a Catholic doesn't make them a Catholic. They (Catholics) have to hold to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Vatican II and follow the Pope's direction. Again, according to my devoted Catholic friends, to be pro-abortion is not in accordance with the policies of the Catholic church.
This clip is from the Speaker speaking at a May 6 Catholic Community Conference on Capitol Hill, Nancy said:
Pelosi, who is a Catholic strongly favors legalized abortion and voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion that was enacted into law in 2003. Now according to my devoted Catholic friends, just because someone says they are a Catholic doesn't make them a Catholic. They (Catholics) have to hold to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Vatican II and follow the Pope's direction. Again, according to my devoted Catholic friends, to be pro-abortion is not in accordance with the policies of the Catholic church.
This clip is from the Speaker speaking at a May 6 Catholic Community Conference on Capitol Hill, Nancy said:
Thursday, June 3, 2010
50 Million - One Every 24 Seconds
It is the number 1 killer in the US; above heart disease, cancer, and every other disease. 50 Million have died from this since 1973 until 2009 in the United States; that is one every 24 seconds or 3,600 everyday. What is this disease that I speak of? Abortion...not a disease at all, more like a fear that leads us to do evil things.
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Center for Disease Control
Planned Parenthood
World Health Organization
A CLOSING COMMENT: I wanted to add my personal opinion to these statistics. I personally have ministered to several women who have had an abortion and most of them fell into the statistics listed above. The one thing I do know that is seldom sited in the statistics is the aftermath of the abortion on the life of the mother. The women who I have prayed with, cried with and mourned with over the loss of their baby is seldom talked about. Not only does abortion stop a beating heart, in breaks a living heart as well. The pregnancy may be ended but the memory never dies. Fear is the reason most of the women I know for having an abortion. Fear that someone would think they were bad, sinful, evil. The sad thing is that all of us have done bad, have acted sinful and are capable of evil. We are no different. May we stop the cover-up of our sins and begin to walk in the truth that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. As we confess our sins, one to another, THEN we are healed. James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
- Of all these that have been performed, less than 1% are due to rape and incest combined.
- The staggering number is that 7 out 10 women claim to be Christian at the time of the abortion. This is one of the reasons I say this is motivated by fear.
- Half of the women are under the age of 25 and under 20% of the women are teenagers. Of these that are teenagers, 40% are minors and they didn't tell their parents about the abortion.
- Another difficult figure it that 31% of all abortions are paid for with OUR tax dollars!
- One-third of planned parenthood's funding in 2008 came from government grants which is funded by tax dollars. The ratio of abortions to adoptions was 62 to 1. That is 305,310 abortions to 4,912 adoption referrals.
- Another fact is that 9 out of 10 insurance company's cover part of the costs, again, using our money to help fund these.
- Of the abortions performed, 87% are surgical.
- Abortions are devastating the African-American community the most, as every 2 in 5 pregnancies end in abortion.
- As a whole in America, one in every five pregnancies end in abortion.
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Center for Disease Control
Planned Parenthood
World Health Organization
A CLOSING COMMENT: I wanted to add my personal opinion to these statistics. I personally have ministered to several women who have had an abortion and most of them fell into the statistics listed above. The one thing I do know that is seldom sited in the statistics is the aftermath of the abortion on the life of the mother. The women who I have prayed with, cried with and mourned with over the loss of their baby is seldom talked about. Not only does abortion stop a beating heart, in breaks a living heart as well. The pregnancy may be ended but the memory never dies. Fear is the reason most of the women I know for having an abortion. Fear that someone would think they were bad, sinful, evil. The sad thing is that all of us have done bad, have acted sinful and are capable of evil. We are no different. May we stop the cover-up of our sins and begin to walk in the truth that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. As we confess our sins, one to another, THEN we are healed. James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
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