To think that SO many blacks are voting with the party that wanted to keep them in chains is really mind-boggling and it would behove those same people to do some research and find out the real truth. Here is a black conservative man making some very valid points and people really need to listen up and re-study their history; bet you didn't learn these statistics in your history classes! Excellent information here that was originally authored by Larry Elder and Rev. Wayne Perryman. Here are few of the points made in this video. Take a few minutes and follow along!
- Democrats supported slavery and it's expansion into northern states.
- After the Civil War, 23 blacks (13 of them ex-slaves) were elected to Congress, ALL as Republicans.
- The first black democrat was not elected to congress until 1935 from the state of Illinois.
- The first black congressional Democrat from a southern state was not elected until 1973.
- Democrats in 1854 passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act that overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for the importation of slaves into the territories.
- Democrats opposed Senate Bill 60 of 1866 to give blacks 40 acres and a mule. It was Democratic president Andrew Johnson that vetoed the bill.
- Democrats opposed the 1866 Civil Rights Act.
- On July 4, 1867 in Houston, 150 blacks and 20 whites formed not the Black Texas Republican Party, but the Texas Republican Party. Blacks across southern states also founded the Republican parties in their states.
- In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law.
- President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865 the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100% of Republicans voting for it and only 23% Democrats voting for it. The 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican voted for the Amendment, NO democrat voted for it.
- Congress passed the 15th Amendment in 1870 guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voting for it with every single Democrat voting against it.
- During 1872 Congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klux Klux Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to reestablish Democratic control in southern states. Blacks who were all Republican at that time were the primary targets of violence.
- Southern Democrats like Al Gore, Sr. and William Fulbright debated against the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
- Southern Democrats including Al Gore, Sr. and William Fulbright debated against the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
- Democrats supported and participated in burning down middle-class black communities like those in Rosewood Florida, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the Greenwood District - Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- Between 1870 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed many pro-black Civil Rights laws but in 1876 Democrats took control of the House and no further race-based Civil Rights laws passed until 1957.
- In 1892 Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House; repealed all of the Republican based Civil Rights laws. That enable the southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow Laws, the Pole Taxes, literary tests, and so on in their individual states.
- Only 64% of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, while 80% of Republicans voted for the Act.
- Democrats in an effort to keep blacks in their place, used sadistic torture, terror and violence including lynchings, mutilations, murder, decapitations, beatings and burnings to death countless numbers of blacks.
Time for people to wake up and READ their history in context! Pretty amazing information that you won't hear on the liberal media outlets and unfortunately too many people just like to push along the rhetoric without checking the facts. Maybe now you can have an informed discussing with those wanting to wave the Dem's flag about fairness and history!
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