Interesting that just two years ago, people in America were spending money well beyond what they could afford, buying houses the banks knew they could not pay for and the US economy was running like a run-away train. That was before the election of a new president and a new vision for "hope and change". Well America, you got what you asked for in part...we definitely are experiencing change. Not exactly the better America that we were sold would emerge after the changing of the guard.
This link that I am sharing is an interview of former speaker of the house,
Newt Gingrich as he talks candidly about many of the current political hot boxes in our nation. Today we are just 79 days away from the mid-term elections and Mr. Gingrich shares many of his insights regarding the path this current administration in on and why he is concerned for the future of America. Then again, WE all should be rather concerned! Whether or not you like Mr. Gingrich or his policies, it is a fact that he is an amazing communicator who can identify the root of issues and then gives helpful incite as to what to do to prevent problems from going ahead with that given plan. Most people have great 20/20 hindsight vision but Mr. Gingrich has an incredible ability to remember so many things and put all the pieces together. He of course is educated but that is not the only reason to praise him. Many are educated and yet they lack common sense. He is an incredibly articulate man with a vast understanding of many of the political problems we are currently facing. The thing I like about Newt is that he just doesn't talk about the problems but he continually gives instruction and vision on how to turn the problem around.
He states here in this interview, that the Great Depression was caused by many of the mistakes that are currently being made today by this current administration. He says that, "If we have large tax increases in January, this economy will sink deeper into recession. There will be higher unemployment. The recovery will be longer."
"This is exactly the mistake made in 1937 and 1938, and it created a second mini-depression. I think it's very dangerous, and I think the simple battle cry ought to be no tax increase in 2011, period. Keep current tax law exactly as it is through 2011," said Gingrich. We are looking at a double-dip recession according to many strategist and this administration wants to increase taxes. What are they thinking? Well, maybe that is their goal, to cause a meltdown of this great country that we have known and love.
I remember the terrible days of the Carter administration when I was a child. This seems to be the course of the Democrats. They continually move toward socialism rather than letting capitalism grow the country. I agree with Gingrich when he says there is a huge difference between "job killing Democrats and job creating Republicans. I think that at 9.5% unemployment people are pretty fed up with the job killing party." The only jobs this current administration has been creating are government jobs and they are simply killing the privately owned, small business.
Wake up America. Have you lost your job or do you know someone who has during this recession? I do and I for one am ready for some "HOPE and CHANGE"!
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