Why is this news today to you? Well because the Obama administration has successfully empowered the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) with the Net Neutrality Act. This Act was voted on December 21, 2010 and was passed by a 3-2 majority (along party lines) which gives the authorization to our government to "kill" our Internet. The full impact of this Act was not to take place until 60 days after the date of passing or this February 21 of 2011.
So tomorrow our United States Federal Government will have the authority to control the Internet if they so choose. The Government will have the ability to regulate the Internet and other interstate communication services they choose, WITHOUT Congressional oversight or input.
As Americans, we need to join together to challenge this Act and that is being organized right now. The Conservative Action Alert is organizing the faxes. Please FAX your representatives in the US Congress. There are 100 Senators, 246 Democrat or Independent Congressmen & Senators, 289 Republican Congressmen & Senators or you can contact all 435 Congressmen. Here is a map for you to use to find out the number for YOUR representation.
Here is a sample FAX to send:
The Capitol
Please look into the FCC's unconstitutional and unprecedented power grab, including the potentially devastating Internet "Kill-Switch" regulation. I urge you to introduce whatever legislation is needed to reverse what Obama and the FCC have done to-date.
I do not want my freedom to use the Internet taken away, or restricted, by the FCC or by Mr. Obama.
The Obama administration feels that they have the right to regulate what I can do, what I can say, and what I can see on the Internet. Already, as you know, the FCC has started the implementation of its power over our Internet.
I totally disagree with these new rules and regulations by the FCC, that were arbitrarily decided by an "aye" vote by three of the five FCC Commissioners, who lacked the authority to even have such a vote.
Freedom and openness should continue to be the governing principles of the Internet. Already, three different federal judges, in three different court cases, have ruled that the Internet deserves the same First Amendment freedoms as printed material. And, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has told the FCC that they have no Congressional or Constitutional standing to regulate the Internet.
Please, ACT NOW---before we experience demonstrations like we're now seeing in Egypt. The Internet shutdown was key to what is going on there; and, in America, the Internet must be kept free, for our Constitutional freedoms to flourish.
Thank you for your time, and for your consideration and support,
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