Well, whether you vote or not, the Republican Party is the ONLY party
that protects the unborn (even after they are born). This is
just ONE issue God cares about and so should we. I personally am a conservative but I
ALWAYS vote. I have read both parties platforms with my Bible in mind
and I find more in the Republican stance that reflects my Christian
values than I do with the Democratic platform. See my Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God" and all these "things" will be added unto you. God cares about the Kingdom (Biblical teachings) not the stuff (economy). I am NOT saying ALL
Republicans are Christians or that all Dem's are not. I am saying that
when you compare the PLATFORM in which the members embrace, the Bible
and it's teachings seem to be more important to the Republicans than to
the Democrats. With this, let us pray! We need GOD'S love to be seen
in our hearts, in our homes, in our churches (yes - many churches don't
even treat their members as they would themselves), in our cities, in
our states and in our nation. Father God, we are SO far from you!
Forgive our sins and please heal our land. BRING revival to wake people
up to YOUR ways, YOUR truth, YOUR Word. As believers we need to always
walk with HUMILITY! HUMILITY....wow, that seems to be a dying word in
our culture. Even people in the church, well, sometimes we are the
"chief priest" of this error. With this, I share a post I have put on several walls:
Here is a troubling thought...the Lone Star State being blue? What?
Unheard of you say? Take a minute to read the article below and then
realize that WE as a party really do need to wake-up to the changing
times before they change OUR state. We (the Republican Party) have to be
better listeners, kinder people and basically work on our presentation
and perceived image.
I have watched the second election of a
president that I was shocked to see win even once and I have had to ask
myself how? Why? What happened? I have talked to many who have voted for
him - twice! I have noticed some similar things and this article
expresses many of the same issues I have experienced.
common lure is that people like something for free! All of us do. This
isn't just the dirty Dem's who are like this. You know, like when you
are at Sam's Club and they are handing out samples for FREE and people
swarm the table for a morsel. The Dems are making their "tables" look
inviting, hip, cool and trendy while the Republicans come across as
arrogant, aloof, and bickering old relics. In the last week I have heard
the adjective "pompass" before the name of a Republican several times
yet the Dems are wearing the matching "shoe on the other foot" and
getting by with it. It's a perception and in this culture of "image"
being everything, I think the republican party could stand to find a
good "personal trainer" so we can get back in the game.
I can
hear it now, it's the liberal media's fault. Well, that IS true to some
degree but with facebook, twitter, blogs, you-tube and a host of other
social media devices I think we have to stop blaming and start doing!
Again, this is a perception that Republicans complain and whine but
offer no solutions. All of you reading this have a facebook account yet
how often do YOU let YOUR voice be heard on the "issues"? Many of us are
silent in our realm of influence (our personal facebook wall) and we
wonder why things are changing. It's time we ALL engage our friends. WE
have to talk to people around us about sometimes very personal and quite
possibly politically incorrect views. Surely you have noticed that the
left has NO issue sharing their opinions, anywhere, anytime. I am not
advocating rude but we do need to speak up and many of you need to let
people around you know your thoughts.
The Republican Party's
platform have many of the solutions our nation needs but we have been
failing to engage the changing national landscape, one person-at-a-time
and therefore, adjusting our delivery of our message to the people. This
is NOT about compromise, it's about presentation. A little love goes a
long way and being a bit more swavey won't hurt.