Bergdahl was in my friend's son's unit. Those guys in his unit spoke out from the on-set that he was a deserter when the story broke that Obama had traded prisoners from Guantanamo for his release. Why won't the administration say what is going on? Why are they stonewalling?
This information of his desertion will be released (as it has now been done because the Army is pursuing Court-martial proceedings against Bergdahl), so what is the administration hiding? What is going on behind the scenes that this information is being kept from the public?
Why did the administration exchange five Taliban Guantanamo prisoners (who, by-the-way were exchanged without Senior leadership at the pentagon knowing anything about it before it happened) for a known deserter? What about the American's who were from his unit who went out "looking" for him and then lost their lives?
When will American's wake up to the fact that our National leadership is working against the interest of us, it's citizenry? What are we (as a nation) doing to protect us (as a nation) from this group called ISIS? Obama won't even use language to speak out against them by calling them what they are, Islamic Terrorists. In his last State of the Union Address, Obama gave less than 5 minutes to the topic of "terrorism". Even liberal journalists like Tom Brokaw and liberal Senator Diane Feinstein are concerned and speaking out that there is NO plan from this administration and that the administration needs to DO something. Ahhh - but do date, this administration is doing little to nothing as these terrorists gain more territory (last week invading Yemen's presidential palace).
Obama promised "change"! If you voted for him, you are getting just that, change. I would like some "un-change" please. The world is a scary place, and it is getting scarier.
This is why I put my trust in the Lord - He is my source of peace in troubling times!
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