Monday, June 28, 2010

H1N1 Scandal

Information has surfaced about some of the top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding H1N1.  These scientists held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines so they stood to make a lot of money if people needed the vaccines.  So when H1N1 became a global pandemic (under their council) to the WHO they stood to gain great deal of wealth.

The report was published in the British Medical Journal exposing the billions of dollars in profits for the vaccine manufacturers.  I have found several links to the discussion of this scandal and rather than re-writing all they have said, I am just giving you the links.

N1H1 - Kevin Trudeau Show
N1H1 - The Dr. Coldwell Report
N1H1 - We Must Know
N1H1 - Natural News

I want to focus on the fear that people are falling into because they are trusting in "officials".  God has given us a brain and the Holy Spirit to discern and people are just checking their "gut" at the door because "someone" who is "educated" is saying they need this or that.  Your grandparents would be ashamed!  We need to WAKE UP AMERICA and start taking responsibility for the decisions that will effect our lives.  We have to do the leg-work and find out the truth and not just swallow every pill.  This requires work on our part and as a rule our culture has become lazy. Well, then we will get what we deserve.

Big business is EVERYWHERE and people of all walks of life are in the business of making money.  It's always about the money, a close friend always says.  If there is money to be made, we need to think twice about "whose" interests are being protected.  You are your only advocate.  All the "services" we pay for are weighted toward the seller.  They have a bottom-line and they are in business to make money.  It is only natural that the seller has to be concerned with his "profit".  The danger comes when he is MORE concerned for himself  than for your benefit.  "Buyer Beware" has a new meaning today as we are not just talking about goods but we are talking about your health and well being!

On the topic of vaccinations, I happened across some more information that is food for thought before you decide to take you or your children in for a routine vaccinations. We have got to start asking the hard questions of our doctors and the medical profession.

Over the last 20-30 years we are vaccinating more and more and giving booster shots on almost everything now because we are told that they will prevent harm, sickness and disease.  There may be some truth in that.  Some diseases are just not worth getting but what is the harm that comes from the vaccination itself?  Maybe we need to count the cost.

Many of the vaccinations given today are diseases our parents and grandparents had and they were not fatal as a rule.  In fact, I had some of these diseases too as a child and I have been told the science says this is the desired effect, for my body to fight it off.  There is concern that these vaccines and the additives placed in the vaccines are messing up our human auto-immune systems and thus causing more damage than good.  Isn't that in the Hippocratic Oath?  To "first, do no harm"!

With the jury still out on the reason for the increase of diabetes and other auto-immune ailments shouldn't we be a bit concerned?  We all want a silver bullet but we have to realize that in everything we do, there is a price to pay.  I am NOT saying all vaccines are bad, I am just saying we are vaccinating more and more because schools get paid when children are in class.  Parents get paid when they are at work.  Money is lost when children are sick and miss school so once again, we see the almighty dollar directing our decisions and how can this be the BEST choice?

Again, EVERY business is about saving money and cutting costs.  Please be informed and read as much as you can about the truth regarding the "bottom line".  There are cover-ups everywhere and most people just find it easier to follow the pied-piper...until it's too late.  WAKE UP AMERICA.  Get off the couch and get involved.

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