Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama Can't Seem to Shake the Truth

I know many have thought this controversy is gone away, but it still is looming out there. I did some simply googling and found more than enough different links stating the same concerns...that Barack Obama is not an American.

Obama's Kenyan Roots.  Here is an interesting clip of an interview with Barack Obama's grandmother who lives in Kenya.  It is simply amazing to me that he has little regard for his extended families comforts with he as all the comfort money can buy.  What does this tell us about this leader we have?  Where is the honor, responsibility and duty to his own family?  Yet we expect him to do what is right for the people?  I don't see the evidence to show that he will when he doesn't even care for his own grandmother.  She lives in poverty conditions without air conditioning.

There is also Barack Obama's brother, George.  Family seems to be of little importance to this man who we call the President of the United States.  This is so troubling to me as I have family members too who seem to think that the word "family" only goes one direction; down the family tree.  I believe family is not only who you currently are including your direct children and grandchildren but family is also about where you came from.  Your history.  Your beginning.  To neglect one side of this equation is an injustice.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya according to this grandmother, Sarah.  Listen to her tell the reporter in this link.  Even as recently as June of this year a new video filled with many clips stating that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.  Michelle Obama says that her husband, Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Listen to her own words at this link.

The most troubling thing about all of this is that Obama has a history of stretching the truth.  Here is another link where Obama is stating something that is totally NOT true.  He says his father served in WWII.  Will the stories never end?

Phone conversation: Sarah Obama and bishop of the Anabaptist's Churches of North America, Ron McRae.
Michelle Obama in her own words.
Forgery of Obama Birth Certificate.
Obama tells students that he is NOT an American.  (Turn your volume up - this is not directly mic'd).
Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama was born in Kenya.

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