Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Repeal ObamaCare

Here is a link that I encourage ALL of you to sign-up on to be counted as a voice asking for the Repeal of ObamaCare.  The idea is to present to the new Congress that will take their offices in January of 2011 (we elect them THIS November - VOTE CONSERVATIVE!) a list that will have over 1 million signatures DEMANDING that the new Congress take immediate action on this unconstitutional Health Care Reform Act signed by President Obama.

Here is what will be submitted to the new congress IF you sign up at the link above:

I, the undersigned citizen of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to protect the following rights and stop any legislation that would jeopardize them:

* Freedom: The right to choose the the best medical care available, including physician and insurance, for my family.
* Options: The right to get the treatment my condition requires, as soon as it is needed, without bureaucratic red tape or denial of service.
* Transferability: The right to take my health insurance with me if I have to change jobs.
* Equitable: The right to the same tax breaks available to employees should I choose to purchase my own health insurance; and assurance that only those who truly need government assistance get it.
* Accountability: The right to assurances that fraud, waste, and abuse will not be tolerated.
Please take a moment and add your name to the list!

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