Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wal-Mart and RFID Chips

Well my post before this one was about how Wal-mart could run a successful business and should give the government some pointers.  Well, this link is a great segue to that story because it seems Wal-mart is acting more and more like the government as they soon will be tracking their customers.

Wal-mart has announced that they are going to install on garments (underwear and jeans) with a scannable, electronic ID cards and tags starting on August 1, 2010.  This is a real-time tracking system for controlling inventory and preventing theft.  These are removable Radio Frequency ID Tags (RFID'S) that will allow their employees to track and identify which sizes are missing from the shelves and what additional items remain in the storerooms and all of this will be done with the use of handheld scanners.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht is a syndicated talk show host and privacy campaigner who can be heard on this link while being interviewed by George Noory during the show, Coast to Coast AM.  Katherine says 250 Million Spy Chips (RFID's) will be used in this campaign.  She wrote a book called Spy Chips and talked about the book on Coast to Coast back in 2006 and says now it is happening.  These are LIVE spy chips that will be on the items that you bring home from Wal-mart and can be read through your walls or even scanned at your curb through your "Hefty" trash bag.

Why is this a concern?  Because these are transmitters that will allow a reader to drive by your home on trash day and track what you bought and link it to where you live, what you bought, where you bought it and ultimately, "Big Brother" is watching.  This is called "Talking Trash" in the book Spy Chips.  Bell South which is the parent company for Singular Wireless actually patented a way to scan people's garbage at the dump without even opening the bag and link it back to the person who had bought it and sell those records to marketers.

This all ties into the enhanced Driver's Licences or Electronic Passports that many Americans already have and it gets pretty scary.  Wal-mart is going to be putting RFID readers into their stores.  Not only do these readers emit electro-magnetic radiation which European research has shown damages DNA and reproductive organs where you are going to standing in front of shelves emitting this energy.  This RFID scanner would be mounted on the shelf at Wal-mart and will not only be tracking their merchandise but it will be tracking you if you have one of these E-Passport or an enhanced driver's licenses in your pocket or purse.  What that means is they will be able to profile you.  Their market researchers have already said that they want to use this technology in their stores to track people.  To do things like identify a persons value to the store and change the prices as they approach the shelf.  This would be similar to the guy on the airplane that paid a different price for his plane ticket than you did for you.  NCR (National Cash Register Corporation a Wal-marts retail partner) is deeply involved with RFID and NCR has large plans on how to use this new technology in stores and they even have additional plans to watch you when you get home with these chips as well.

Since 2002 Katherine Albrecht has been speaking out on this subject and she is concerned that with the depressed economy people are not paying attention and need to speak out against this.  Wake Up America! Let your local Wal-mart know how you feel about this!

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